![]() Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 5:29 AM
The one thing that i hate from asking for my parents' money is... That i can't always buy the things i like *sigh*I rarely ask for something. But when i ask for a thing, that thing must be something i really want. And apparently, the things that i want are all expensive -_-" That's why, i want to finish my study quickly and make money, spend it to myself. But it's such a far dream. I still have 3 years to go out from this misery. Gah. Well, enough babbling. Btw i posted this with my mobile. Cheers. Friday, July 18, 2008, 7:01 AM
Trip To MedanAt first, I felt a little bit pissed because my friend said we would take L300 (it's some kind of little bus, not that big bus I used to get) to Bireuen, then to Lhokseumawe, then to Medan. My friend said that we should drop by at our friends house to eat sate Matang -_-". I mean... We went in the morning, then we arrived in the next morning. If we got a big bus, we could went in the night and arrived in the next morning. That would be a really consuming-time trip -_-" But I just tagged along. I had no choice. And the important thing is, I'm going home. That is the big deal :) Traveling with L300 was not horrible as people says. It was actually a lot comfort than big bus. I didn't feel any nauseous when we went up Seulawah ^^ Then, we dropped by at our friends house in Bireuen. We ate sate Matang a lot XD Tasya ate 7 stick and added 5 times of rice -_-" Wkwkwkkwkw... Then we went to Lhokseumawe with BE. At first, I didn't have any idea what BE is. My friend even said that we could fly with BE -_-" It turned out that BE is a short for 'Bireuen Express'. Yeah because it's not moving so smoothly, so we feel like flying XD And we arrived at Lhokseumawe. Dropped by at Icha's house. Around 10 PM Tasya and I went to Medan with big bus. It was a surprisingly cheap trip. We just spent around Rp.120k. Meanwhile, if we go with big bus at the first place, we may ended up spending around... More than Rp.150k -_-" Hahha it may not a luxury comfort trip, but that was really fun!! ^^ Thursday, July 10, 2008, 4:00 AM
Randomness1. Exam is over. I don't care about the result >.> I hate examssss. OSCE is coming up. I'm dead. 2. Sungmin is such a hawt when he plays guitar. Rawr. 3. Currently listening to AKB48 - Skirt, Hirari. Yay. 4. My old crush sent me a message. Why is he always like this? And why am I always like this? " Why? Isn’t there anything I can resist?" - AKB48 -_-" 5. I want to watch Long Vacation all over again but I'm sleepy and OSCE is coming up T^T 6. Want to try the routine in 'Dear My Teacher', but I'm suck at dancing. Duh. 7. Recently reading: Asatte no Houkou and Kashimashi. Nice stories. Cute pictures. 8. Ono Erena: The Definition of cuteness. 9. New favorite: DEPAPEPE 10. Trying to get back to normal life. I always sleep at 5 AM and this is definitely NOT right. I had vertigo (BPPV) so I should learn a lesson from that -_-" 11. School Rumble last chapter is nice~~ Eri FTW!! 12. Ooohh it's Heechul's birthday!! XD 13. It's 4 AM. Want to sleep now. Jya. Saturday, July 5, 2008, 1:11 PM
AKB48I'm addicted to this Japan idol group. I thought the most famous idol group in Japan is Morning Musume, but I was wrong (maybe I was, but to me AKB48 is better ^^). They have a large number, 48 girls, divided into 3 sub-groups, group A, K and B. Each group has 16 members, I think (and I thought Super Junior have absurd amount of members... -_-"). Why do I like them? Hmm... Let's see. They're quite unique, I think. They're cute (don't get me wrong, who doesn't like cute things? XD). Their songs are fun (I like 'Dear My Teacher' the most). And most important... They wear Japanese school uniforms (seifuku) as their usual image <3 Not that I'm some kind of seifuku freak (maybe I am? XD), it's just that... I never got a chance to wear something like that T^T Those seifukus are too cute!! *and I had to wear those standart Indonesian high school uniform -_-"* I want to wear it... Maybe I should make one... *grin* Recommended songs!! Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru, Virgin Love, Dear My Teacher, Aitakatta!, Dakedo, Sakura no Hanabiratachi, Romance Irane!, Yuuhi wo Miteiru Ka? Btw thanks to Panchili for introducing me about this cute group ^^ PS: Love the karaoke!! :D Friday, July 4, 2008, 9:25 AM
My friends always ask me, "why do you enjoy so much watching Friends tv-series? It's an old tv-series, for God's sake!". And I always answer with, "Why? It's funny!!". That's what I always answer before I realize why I actually enjoy watching it so much.Actually it's just a stupid reason. Well, some of us maybe have a hard times in our life (who doesn't? XD), then how do you react for it? Do you cry? Do you sigh? Do you feel depressed? Do you want to kill yourself? That's what us, normal person, react. Now can you imagine yourself, that you're being in a hard time (especially for the mistakes that you made), but you can still laugh at yourself? What I watch from Friends tv-series, is that they are still able to laugh even when they have hard times. They are not making such a big deal of it. Although they don't have a job, divorces, mom killed herself, can't have a kid, and they are all lame with their love relationships... But they are still able to laugh at it... And laugh at theirselves. That's why on Saturday night I always order a pizza and sit in front of my laptop or PC and turn on Friends ^^ And not to mention that they have really strong friendship bond. Just like the theme song laa... "Even when I'm at my worst, I'm best with you!!" Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 2:53 AM
Henry Lau a.k.a HenriettaHenry Lau. The Violin Boy. Ahh~ He really blows my mind. For his talents... And looks XD From what I read, it seems like he is such a shy guy. I like shy guy XDDD I can imagine him with worry face and a red blush on his face... What a MOE!! *maniac laugh* That's right!! I'm an otaku!! *well that's not a thing to be proud at* I love looking at cute boys especially when they blush, wearing uniforms, with cute innocent face and eyes... Mwahahhaha... *man I sound like a freak* -_-" Ahem. Let's get back to topic, people. Henry. Violin. He reminds me a lot with 'Gunslinger Girl' anime. Yeah... The main Gunslinger Girl, Henrietta, plays violin. She has a cute face, innocent personality and often blushing. Yesssshh... Henry!! Henrietta!! Just then, I realized that their name is quite similar and I posted this!! XDD NB: Now I can imagine Henry holds a gun that comes from his violin box (which is, everyone thinks that is really a violin box), then pouts when he can't accomplish a mission. XDDD Henry FTW!! , 2:48 AM
9 PM, my friends (Tasya, Maya and Muli) came to my house to see me. They asked me about my condition and brought me bread ^^ Thanks~!!Then, I asked Tasya about campus. She said when she gave my sick letter, my classmates laughed -_-" Yeah. No wonder... Because I'M VERTIGO JUST LIKE IN THE BOOK!! Tasya said it was because my blood circulation. Especially the circulation to my brain. I always stay up so late. This is not an 'acute' condition, so when my brain doesn't have enough blood, I suffer vertigo -_-" Yeah that makes sense. I always stay up so late. I should get back to normal life -_-" Now it's almost 2 AM in the morning and I'm still with my eyes wide open. Bad meeeehh, I know. This is SO not right. I might end up collapse in college!! Okay I guess I have no choice but tuck myself on my bed... *sigh* Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 12:43 AM
I got sick -_-" I threw up twice. God, I'm so weak...My father woke me up by opening my door at 8 in the morning. I suddenly woke up, then my father asked me to drop him in front of the hospital. I shook my head to say 'no', because I suddenly felt REALLY dizzy. It felt like... I could feel this world's rotation. And it rotated so quickly -_-" OMG... What happened to me? Am I... Vertigo?? (In medical world, Vertigo means dizzy). Then, I sat up on my bed. The dizziness was decreased. When I tried to lie down again, I got dizzy again!! What the hell was happening to meee!!?? I went downstairs to meet my dad and asked if he knew something. He said that I shouldn't stay up so late and he checked my blood pressure. 90/60 -_-" How low was that??!! I closed my eyes, but it made me dizzier and dizzier... Then... I threw up T^T I felt a bit comfort after throwing up, but when I went upstairs again to sleep, when I woke up, I threw up again T^T OMG could vertigo feel this bad!!?? "What am I gonna do? I can't sleep, even I close my eyes I still feel dizzy!! What, do I have to just sit here all day??", I thought of that. Really. I was sick. But I couldn't sleep (I could, actually. But whenever I tried to sleep, I got REALLY dizzy), I couldn't even close my eyes!! T^T This was soooo miserable... I groaned and drowned my head to pillow, searching for a nice position. I finally got to sleep. I guess it was because I felt a lot better after throwing up. And you know what's more interesting? I couldn't go to my college today. And my friend called me, asking whether I was sick or not. I told her all. From waking up until the throwing up. Then she said, "hey!! That was what we learned in class today!! Just like the case in the book!!" And I said, "Wha...?" She said, "Yea you're vertigo!! Just like in the book!" When I hung up the phone, I quickly opened the book. OMG yes. Yesssss I'm vertigo JUST LIKE IN THE BOOK. The case goes like this: Mando felt dizzy suddenly after he woke up. He felt his surroundings was turning, he felt nauseous and felt like throwing up and he had cold sweat. The dizziness became more and more when Mando turning his head to the right. -_-" I just can't believe this. |
What? Me? Meeeeeehh.
Random blooooggg hurr
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