![]() Saturday, March 28, 2009, 8:05 AM
HAPPY-GO-LUCKYHoshi- everything suddenly went just fine. Oh no, REALLY FINE. WTF I'm not used to a situation like this. Is something bad going to happen?? Okay, let's hear this out. 1. My 3rd semester KHS was already out. I thought I can't join the remedial... Just because this KHS. And hell what ugly scores I had. B, C, C, B. Yesss ugly enough to make a chain carbon hurr. But I need that KHS to join the remedial. Thank God that Sir *censored* already took care of it. Tasya told me to give him brownies LOL. 2. MY GRADES FOR 5TH SEMESTER ARE ALL B. WTF?? ME?? A CARBON-CHAINER?? Not to sound arrogant, but really. I wonder about it. What in the world just happened?? But not that I mind, though. I just feel... That this all is going TOO FINE. Because you know, my life is full of shit. So when everything goes just fine, I'm afraid that something bad would happen Oh my Gawd please don't. LET ME EXPERIENCE THIS HAPPINESS FOR JUST ONCE. Monday, March 23, 2009, 10:52 AM
Hotel Dusk: Room 215Unique artwork, interesting gameplay, nice story, great soundtracks. What's not to like?? But can you believe that Hotel Dusk is actually last a day?? It has 10 (or 9? I'm not finished yet) chapters, but it's actually just ONE DAY. Just from December 28th 1979 to December 29th 1979. -_-" This is one of the game that makes me feel like I'm the main character. Pfft I don't know what to write anymore. Oh yes!! Last Saturday my class had a hospital tour in ER. It was okay, though. I don't hate it. When I was standing behind one my classmate, I can't help but thinking... "Now where do I ever see this kind of expression?". Then I realized that HE LOOKS SO MUCH ALIKE KYLE HYDE. Hurr. I'm not kidding, yes. The way he tilt his head, his frowns, his nods... They look like Kyle Hyde's. Their hairstyle is not really different. My friend's hair is just a bit longer than Kyle Hyde's. Well yeah, actually, I had a crush on him 2 years ago hahah. Even now, I still think that he's hawt. Hello?? Of course he's hawt!! HE LOOKS LIKE KYLE HYDE!! And no, I'm not going to write his name on here. On a side note, I cut my hair (again?). This time I cut it like Iwakura Lain's hair. WTF it doesn't look like her hair at all T^T My hair is not thick, so yeah... T^T Ughhh. I like it when I used Maeda Atsuko's hairstyle... But now?? I look like somekind of a punk >_>;; Maybe Indonesian calls this 'gonjes' hairstyle. And I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT HAIRSTYLE. In my opinion, short hair is okay, as long it makes you cute, not looking like a guy or a punk or somefin' >:[ ...Ah well. Hair grows. Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 3:22 AM
Am I flirting??From what I read in the internet, I'm flirting alright. I looked deeply in his eyes, intensely... But I don't think he gets the idea >_>;; But when I asked my sister about this, she said, "what are you doing? You'll freak him out!!". WTF. The internet doesn't say so, sister!! Then today I was sitting to one of my guy classmate (who is easy to talk to). And suddenly he asked me about our classmate that has very intense glare. Him: Hey, what's wrong with that girl? Why does she glare at people like that? Me: What? Why? Him: I freak out, you know. The way she looks at me is just... Creepy. Me: (uh-oh...) I don't know about that. Him: *pointing at her* There, there!! Will you look at that? Man, creepy. Me: >_>;; Actually I know what's wrong with that girl. A friend told me that she has some kind of... 'Psycho' disease (if you can call it a disease, because I prefer calling it 'personality disorder'). But because I don't want to bad mouthing about her (even if it's right!! I'm afraid that I'd be killed by her... Oooohh talking about Psychopath!!). But enough about her, okay? That's not about her that I want to talk about. So... It turns out that intense glaring is indeed freak people out, huh?? No wonder Mayen laughed when I said that I flirt with 'looking deeply into his eyes'. Such a good way to make good impression of you in front of him, Shi. *sigh* Saturday, March 14, 2009, 12:16 AM
Haruna Ai ( はるな愛 )Holy moly. WTF. She doesn't look like a guy AT ALL. Oh my medical world, you're so amazing that I think you're insane. Transexual is not really a new thing for me, because Indonesia has a famous transexual too. Dorce Gamalama, I'm sure you all know her, if you live in Indonesia. But I still can see the 'man' in Dorce, somehow... But Haruna Ai? No. No. That girl (guy?) is waaaaayy to cute to be a man. Just look at the PV. OMG. OMGGGGGG At first, I didn't know anything about her at all. All I know that she has a single, which the title is very weird, IMO. "I U Yo Ne~". And she has somewhat big boobs that can pop anytime from her dress >_>;; WTF. When I saw the cover, I was sure that she has that squeaky Japanese girl's voice. And I thought she was one of a H!P girls!! >_>;; There's no way that I'd download that. Nuh-uh. I had enough of H!P girls. Pfft. But I ended up seeing a choreography for her I U Yo Ne~ MV, and I... Like it -_-" It's so catcheeeeyy. You know you can never go wrong with catchy songs!! And the most interesting part is... She sings with her man's voice!! XDDD LOL I have weird taste. No, seriously. The song is so catchy and the choreography is funny too LOL. If you love catchy songs, you have to try her!! :D Thursday, March 12, 2009, 8:14 AM
Dad I got a stomatitis and I need- OOOOOUUUGGGHHI bit my tongue and there it is, stomatitis. Or 'sariawan' in Indonesian. It hurts like biotch because it's on the tip of my tongue. We all know that there's no way we can avoid the pain. Because we eat, people. So I asked Daddy to buy me a Redoxon. It may not heal quickly, but at least it reduces it. And he forgot to buy it. Psh. How many times do I have to send a message about it to you, Dad? >:[ I'm not impressed. I showed my not-impressedness to my Dad. And he knew it, so he offered me a medicine. I trust my Dad (if I can't trust a doctor for a sickness, who else would I trust? Technician?? >:[ It's obvious, Shi. Duh). And he put a drop right on that cursed stomatitis. "SHHIIIIIIIIIII-------" *censored* ASLDJA;SLKDJASLJDLASJD IT HURRRRRRRRTTTSSSSSSSS I grabbed my pillow and held on tight to it. I even cried a tear ;_; You: You were such a wuss. Stomatitis? Come on.... Well now go get a stomatitis and go to my Dad for a medicine. I'm sure you will like it A LOT. I was drooling so much. Maybe because my body thinks that saliva would reduce the pain. *and it does, actually*. But my Dad said that I had to let my tongue out until it dried, so I kept on weeping my saliva. I was gross, yeah I know. But after a while, the pain turned into somekind of a 'throb' on my tongue. It still hurts, though. But I kinda like the feeling of that 'throb' on my tongue mwahahhahahaaaaa... Yeah people... Tongue has so many nerves that it can turn you on. That's why there's a thing called 'French Kiss'. Mmmmhhhhmmm... LOL I'm so naughty. |
What? Me? Meeeeeehh.
Random blooooggg hurr
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