![]() Saturday, May 16, 2009, 1:17 AM
Random People in My FBFffff some random people added me in FB. I don't even know who they are!! At this rate, FB doesn't have any difference with FS >:[ My purpose that I active in FB is to get in touch with some old friends. Not searching for some random guy to hook up. They added me in FB, added me in YM... And when we chatted, we talked nothing more than, "where are you from? You're in college? What major?". Pffftttt CAN WE TALK SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING PLEASE. And some guys I chatted with, asked the same questions twice. "Where are you from?". FOR GOD'S SAKE I TOLD YOU I'M FROM MEDAN DAMMIT. This is the prove that they didn't respect the conversation. So how am I supposed to prolong the conversation with people like this?? >:[ Or maybe it's just me who being too... Terse. Well you see, I'M NOT THE NICEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. BEAT THAT. Friday, May 15, 2009, 1:52 PM
FluuuuuuuuuI caught a cold. Or what is it?? Common cold? Influenza? Avian Influenza? Or... Swine Flu?? *gasp* I didn't know where I got it from. I can't sleep peacefully because of this fffking stuffy nose. Yeah, mainly because of that. I don't think my fever is that high. Instead, I don't feel I have a fever. I do feel the chill, though. Wait... Is it any difference?? THIS IS STARTING TO GET CONFUSING!!! >:[ << says the medical student. I can't think of any difference between Influenza, common cold, Avian Flu or Swine Flu!! I woke up in 3.20 AM to check whether I got swine flu (*gasp* OH GOD AM I GOING TO DIE). They say the symptoms are fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing, fatigue, headache, etc... Your ass. Those are the symptom of common cold and flu you reference bastaaaaaaaaarrddd I wanna throw this noseeeee please get me out of this misery T^T And on Tuesday I'd be going with my classmates for recreation ;_________; WHY GOD?? WHYYYY Aw fuck this I'll skip on class today >:[ Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 8:15 AM
Team A 5th Stage song - 恋愛禁止条例Another AKB48 post. This blog might as well turn into another AKB48 fanblog -_-" I read other blogs about AKB48 and apparently, they didn't like 恋愛禁止条例 so much. They said it was okay. It was okay, all right. But to me, as 'ordinary' or 'okay' as it sounds, I can't stop listening to it. The lyrics... Hmm, not too good, in my opinion. It must be the melody fuck yeah. I really like the song's tune, and the trio's voices. I searched for the video of them performing, but I didn't found it ;_; But I found the video of them performing 恋愛禁止条例 in AX100 (I think? I don't watch too many videos of them...). My impression... Takamina, as always, have excellent voice. Miho... I didn't know Miho is that popular among fans >_>;; When she started singing, all fans shouted so hard that their lungs would popped out. Funny that they didn't shout so much when Takamina and Miichan sang. I kinda like Miho's voice <33 Miichan. Oh Miichan. My favorite member from team A. I always like her dancing. It's like... She dances with her body, you know. Eh wait that sounds weird because how can we dance without the body!! >_>;; What I really mean is... Her body is moving freely. Like it's... Too natural. It's like she talks when she dances. And if it's me... My heart wants to dance but I don't know why my bones and muscles don't agree with it -_-" |
What? Me? Meeeeeehh.
Random blooooggg hurr
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